Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Blog Blog A to Z

BLOG is one of the most popular words in 21st century. I must admit Blog has challenged the Internet world into a whole new level. 

The most important thing is, what do you want to blog about?

My answer would be WRITE anything that you love to do for FREE.. At the same time, you optimise your website in order to earn some money. I may be able to give you ideas to earn more than enough, but as I have mentioned before, you need determination, dedication and decision to stick with your plan in order to do what you love and make money. That is the most important thing if you decide to start your own income for what you do.

Another thing would be, WRITE regularly.  I have seen thousands of blogs that is not more than 5 entries, and yet I still find it very enjoyable or useful to read. But the lack of commitment makes many blogs fail. So, make sure you have 10-15 minutes of your time to write your blog.

In addition, WRITE original, I would love to read somewhat original, so would you? The most important thing about sharing information is "to give the way you want to receive". So, be original. Copy Paste is definitely easy, I have tried it, but it is exactly like living in a shadow of someone else. When you want to share something, you want to share what's real from you. I would do the same, so should you.

Moreover, WRITE on your comments, Honestly, write back on your comments when someone has commented you. Either good or bad comment, It is always good to discuss on different point of view.  Your readers are heart and soul of your website/blog.  The interactions and communications with your readers/visitors are your Strength and Opportunities of your website/blog success.

Finally, WRITE with Limits, which is very important factor as well. I tend to write minimum 250 words and not exceed 900 words. Average readers, possible non-english native speakers, may read about 5-10 seconds per line, which is about 15 words. I would not spend more than 5-7 minutes on each article, but may spend another 5-7 minute on another one. READing is partly scanning and screening of your post, so if you don't offer something that's true as you mention, the reader will be bounced off your site. So, 250-900 words per post would be the best choice. Plus, most pay per post blog would require at least 200 words minimum, so you would cover that as well. 

These days, reviews are very popular and everyone is so psyched about getting paid by writing reviews on products or services. For me, they are great, you can use them as pay per post for additional income, but with automated ads generation, you absolutely don't want to do the same of what others do. Because it will also be under the same marketing schemes. There are many advertisers out there, trying to promote unique products, new merchandises and interesting services. Some Internet gurus may say just blog to just onething you like to do. But we are humans, we love to do a lot to things, we like to converse in many topics. However, it is important that you create the keywords and phrases (tags and topics in wordpress) as well as your contents to be tidy, always categorize and blog neatly. I believe that will bring variety of visitors, no matter what the outcome it would have been.

For me, I would love to share my knowledge rather than expecting you to click my ads and referrals.  The key to succcess is communications and true sense of FREE offer. Of course, advertisement optimization would play a role for getting paid. But I firmly believe when people enjoy what you share, they would give you a favour by clicking a one ad or two because this is exactly what I do. Even I am visiting hideous website with terrible banners, if I appreciate what the site offers me, I would click away after I am done reading or checking out.

So, to recap, 

  1. Write Anything you love
  2. Write Regularly on schedule 
  3. Write Original 
  4. Write On your comments &
  5. Write With Limits

Comments and suggestions always welcome.

source: Nanda Linn Aung's official blog

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